Vision: An epicentre of hope

What does it mean to be an epicentre of hope?

We are a people of every generation who are impacted by God and are transformed by his love and grace. God moving in us reverberates out into our world as we authentically practise the hope that we have in Jesus.


Dependent on God

We are dependent on God and trust Him to be active in and through us for He is the one who sustains and guides us. The Holy Spirit at work in us leads us to grow and help others to grow as followers of Jesus. We worship God because we love him and we want to know Him more deeply in our lives. Prayer is our base for seeking God and seeing him move.

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Built on the Word

Our hope is in Jesus our Saviour, who is alive and at work today. He saves us and speaks life in the midst of brokenness, because of his life, death and resurrection. 

We look to the Bible as God’s permanent revealing of himself in written word. The Bible teaches us who God is and what it means to be God’s people.

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Together as a Family

We walk together in love and we welcome all people into our community and relationship with God. As a family, we journey together recognising God’s love is for people of all ages, stages and walks of life. Life is messy and imperfect. We want to share life honestly and authentically from the youngest to the oldest.

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Reaching out to all around us

Out of our relationship with Jesus, we are present and active in our local communities, seeking to be agents of hope, joy and life. We share God’s love and speak His truth in love with all around us.

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Mission: Sharing the life we have in God

As an epicentre of hope, we shine God’s love to every person who we engage with. We grow in intimacy with God and live in a way that reflects His ongoing transformation in us. We build one another up in relationship with Him. We reach out to and journey with others to bring them hope, encouragement, healing and restoration in the goodness of God.

To help us achieve our vision, values and mission, our major focuses will be to by the end of 2026 have one hour of devoted prayer on 5 out of 7 days each week, led by people of all generations; hold a yearly season of prayer and fasting; develop and implement a discipleship pathway for families; have 2 bible studies (and our ongoing small groups) meeting regularly for deeper study of the Bible; and develop and implement 2 sustainable initiatives which serve our wider community.