Christchurch Newport


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Welcome to Christ Church

Who are we?

Welcome to Christ Church Newport, where all are welcome, as we come together to be an epicentre of hope as we share the life that we have in God with all around us. In our meeting together, we gather from Hobsons Bay and beyond, as an Anglican church serving the inner west of Melbourne.


We have four key values that help us to reach our vision of being an epicentre of hope. These are dependent on God; built on the Word; together as a family; and reaching out to all around us. You can read more about each part of our vision, values and mission here.


We invite you to come along to our Sunday service.


Plan a visit

What to expect

We know that it can be a bit stressful coming to a church service so here’s what you can expect.


Our Sunday services are a time of coming together around song, word and action.

We start off with a time of a band leading us in contemporary songs to help us praise and worship God. Sometimes during this, someone in the congregation might pray out loud or share something they feel God is saying to them.

On the weeks we don’t have a formal kids program, we will have a kids talk following the songs.

Then we read the Bible, and someone preaches (teaching and speaking) about what this passage tells us about God, us and how it matters for our life today.

After this, we spend some time praying together for our church, our community and our world.

Then we move into a time of gathering around Communion, where we remember what Jesus has done for us through his life, death and resurrection, by having a wafer and some wine or grape juice.

Finally our service closes with a time of offering (a chance for our regular attenders to say we are putting God first with our finances and contributing to the costs of our ministries) and notices.

After the formal part of our service, we have tea, coffee and some morning tea. Prayer is also available for those who would like it after the service.


You don’t have to dress formally for our services, as we are a relaxed community gathering together. Come in casual clothes up to your Sunday finest, it’s up to you.

Something for the little ones

We have a formal kid’s ministry program happening through the school terms (Kinder-Grade 6 every Sunday, Yr 7-10 every fortnight). Our kid’s ministry team lead the kids through a fun and engaging Biblical-based program.

On weeks the children remain in the service, we will have a kids talk and activities up the back for them.

At ChristChurch Newport we are committed to safe ministry practices, in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne. For more information, click here.
